+39 080.4958220

via Zara 24 - 70014 Conversano (Bari) - ITALY

Recipesat the table with Masi

Spaghetti capricciosi
Spring salad
Cottage cheese pie
Mozzarelle in carrozza

Pasta • preparation: 40 minuti • difficulty: easy • for 6 people

500 g spaghetti • 500 g consistent and ripe tomatoes • 10 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil • 300 g Fiordilatte MASI • 8 basil leaves • 6 tablespoons of grated Parmigian cheese • oregano • salt and pepper as needed.

Gather in a soup tureen oil with the tomatoes, sliced and without seeds, a bit of oregano, the basil, the Parmigian and let it sit for a couple of hours. At the right moment cook the pasta and prepare a soup tureen with mozzarella cut in small cubes. Strain the pasta, al dente, and empty it on the mozzarella cubes. Mix quickly and add the tomatoes with the other ingredients. At the last minute season with salt and pepper. Mix well and serve.

Salads • preparation: 30 minuti • difficulty: easy • for 6 people

1 cucumber • 300 g green salad • 2 zucchini • 3 carrots • 6 radishes • 3 celery stems • 2 seedless tomatoes • 150 g Fiordilatte MASI • 4 hard boiler eggs • 6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil • 3 teaspoons vinegar • necessary quantity of salt and pepper.

Peel the cucumbers, grate the carrots and the zucchini and wash them carefully together with the radishes and the celery. Dry well and cut everything a rondella except the celery that is cut in pieces and the tomatoes that are sliced. Clean, wash and dry the salad, too. Put everything in a salad bowl. In another bowl crush the yolk of the hard boiled egg and add the oil while mixing slowly. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and while mixing, add three tablespoons of vinegar. Slice the albumi of the eggs in small cubes, mix them with the rest and add the seasoning to it all, mixing it continuously in order to flavour all the ingredients. Garnish with the Fior di Latte cut in slices and serve quickly.

Cakes • preparation: 60 minuti • difficulty: medium • for 6 people

600g MASI cottage cheese • 75g sugar • 3 eggs • a lemon peel • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 2 tablespoon flour • 1 tablespoon icing sugar • 150g rice • 100g almonds
Boil the rice in 1/2 litre of milk and 150 g of sugar. Beat up the egg whites, work the rest of the ingredients by hand. Place the short pastry in the pan, buttered and sprinkled with flour. Put together the egg whites mounted on the rice, empty the prepared mix in the pan, with strips of short pastry create a rim and a grill. Place everything in a pre-warmed oven at 180° for 45-50 minutes. Let it cool down and serve.

Appetizers • preparation: 25 minuti • difficulty: easy • for 6 people

400g of Fiordilatte MASI • 2 eggs • a glass of milk • a tablespoon of flour • grated bread • 8 slices of bread • salt • oil

Dip the slices of bread in the milk and put a slice of mozzarella between the two slices of bread. Put salt, flour and dip them in the beaten eggs and the grated bread. Fry the bread till it reaches a golden colour, keeping it soft in lots of oil and then dry them on absorbent tissue. Serve the bread hot. It can be prepared without the second slice of bread on top, as one chooses.